I haven't posted here in some time. I fell out of the habit of focusing on my art which led to sad neglect on the blog. There have been many life changes since fall of 2013 when I last posted which makes it a bit difficult to know where to restart.
My initial thought to restart is to close the thread on the slow to finish "Nightmare" themed sketchbook project for The Sketchbook organization which I have previously written about. In earlier posts I had projected wrapping it up by the end of 2011. 2011 closed and I had not finished.
The closing work on the sketchbook came at the end of 2018 so I was dramatically off in my initial finish line projections.
Well, the sketchbook is done, submitted and available to view online here. If you find yourself in Brooklyn you can check the book out in person. There are numerous other sketchbooks to peruse on the site so dig in and enjoy!